Payment method

Currently we accept payment via Paypal, Klarna, VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, Diners Club, Maestro and American Express.


Payment process

Direct purchase:

1. Select the wig product you like. If you pay via PayPal, click the button "Buy with Paypal" to enter the checkout page.
2. If you are using other payment methods, click "More payment options" under "Buy with Paypal" to enter the address filling process (discount codes are used on this page).
3. Click "continue to shipping", check whether your information is correct, click "continue to payment" to select your payment method, and then complete the purchase.

Shopping cart purchase:

1. Select the wig product you like, add it to your shopping cart and continue shopping.
2. Enter the shopping cart and select "Check out" or "PayPal" for direct payment.
3. The checkout page requires you to accurately fill in your contact information and shipping information. If you have a discount code, you can apply it here.

After you complete the order and successfully pay, we will arrange delivery as soon as possible and send the logistics information to your email.

About Tax

We don't collect any tax in most countries at present.

In certain countries, Customs offices may charge taxes on certain types of imported products at certain item quantities and values. Customs offices in other countries may not adopt this practice. You are responsible for finding out the specific arrangements in your own country.